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Homemade pâté

This is a recipe loved by everyone. I made this pate for Christmas Eve and it was appreciated by everyone, including children. The recipe is very simple and quick. Ingredients: 450 gr raw chicken liver 125 ml heavy cream

225 g butter 1 medium onion 1 clove garlic 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg peak milk (liver)

Wash well the raw chicken liver and eliminate black spots (if any). Then put them in a bowl and cover it with milk, let them stay for about 2 hours. Cook onion, finely chopped, in 2 tablespoon of butter in a saucepan over medium heat. You just want to soften the onion, not to caramelize it. Once the onion is softened, add heavy cream to the pan and one smashed clove of garlic, cover, and gently simmer 5 minutes until the onion is very soft. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the rest of butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg. When the butter has melted, pour the content into the blender. Add in the blender the raw chicken liver (be sure it's well drain). Blend until the mixture is smooth, scraping down the sides if is necessary. Then strain your pate mixture through a fine sieve before baking it. Pour the liver mixture into the baking vessel of your choice and cover it with aluminum foil. Then place the filled dish inside the larger pan. Place the pan in the oven and carefully pour boiling water into the larger pan until the water is half way up the sides of the baking dish. It takes about 25-30 minutes at 150 ° for the pate to cook. You know the liver pate is done when the pate is set around the edges. Remove the baking dish from the pan and let the pate cool to room temperature. When it cools pour in, a little butter on the top, to not oxidize the pate.


Aceasta este o reteta indragita de toata lumea. Am facut acest pate de Craciun si a fost primul care s-a mancat tot, si a fost apreciat de toti, inclusiv de copii. Reteta e foarte simpla si rapida. Ingrediente: 450 gr ficatei de pui 125 ml smantana pentru frisca 225 gr unt 1 ceapa medie 1 catel de usturoi 1 lingurita sare de mare 1/2 lingurita piper 1 varf lingurita nucsoara macinata lapte (pentru ficatei)

Spalati foarte bine ficateii si eliminati petele negre (daca sunt). Apoi ii puneti intr-un vas si ii acoperiti cu lapte, ii lasati sa stea cam 2 ore. Tocam ceapa marunt si o punem la calit cu 2 linguri de unt, pentru aproximativ 5 minute. Se adauga smantana si usturoiul pisat, se amesteca bine si se lasa inca 5 minute pe foc. Se ia oala de pe foc si se dauga in transe untul ramas, sarea, piperul si nucsoara. Se scurg bine ficateii si se dau prin blender, impreuna cu compozitia, pana cand se omogenizeaza si devine foarte fina. Dupa care o strecurati printr-o sita foarte fina (eu am folosit o sita adanca, pe care o folosesc pentru cernut faina la copt ) si amestecati bine, pana se scurge toata compozitia. La sfarsit ramane cam 2 linguri de compozitie mai solida, pe care o aruncati. Se toarna compozitia in vase de ceramica mici sau doar intr-un vas mai mare (in functie de preferintele fiecaria) si acoperitile cu o folie de aluminiu. Se pun in tava de copt vasele de ceramica cu pateul si turnam apa fierbinte in tava cat sa acopere pe jumatate vasele. Apoi se dau la cuptor pentru 30 minute la 150 °. Cand se raceste se toarna deasupra putin unt topit, pentru a nu se oxida pateul.

Va garantez ca o sa va placa.

Pofta buna!

Love, Nadejda!



© 2018 by Bebe Avocado

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